Saturday, April 5, 2014


Wow, it seems like the last time I posted was exactly 1 month ago. Sorry about that guys!
 A lot has been going on at the Lab, here in Copenhagen and beyond but I have had little motivation to post about it...
...until now. 

So here begins a catch-up of some events of the last month. 

This month began with a trip to Norway. I was asked to give a talk to at a Hospitality and Tourism conference in Stvanger Norway. The conference was about the y-generation and my talk specifically was on how to attract the y-generation to Norway through food. 

Flying in over Norway was impressive. The landscape was breath takingly beautiful- snow cover mountains, rocky cliffs, fjords, vast farmland, and meandering rivers. But, I have to say, that is where my good impressions of Norway ended. I spent a day and a half is Stavanger and was quite let down by the scenery and the food.

Anyway, the event consisted of a series of talks (mostly in Norwegian), snacks and a y-generation themed lunch of sushi, green smoothies, and kebabs. Oh, and we got a goodie bag with more snacks and a reuable mug.

Later that afternoon, after the conference had ended, I was driven to the hotel. Hell yes! A hotel room to myself. I think this was the first time I have ever stayed in a hotel room alone and it was quite fun. I may have jumped on the beds, and taken home all of the products (including the teas, hot chocolate and coffees) :)

I was informed there was a banquet dinner for the hotel school that evening in the hotel. I was told their would be champagne at 6 and dinner was to start at 7. I casually strolled down to the lobby in a causal dress, a baggy sweater, tights and my everyday boots (the outfit I wore for my presentation). But as soon as the elevator doors opened at the ground floor, I immediately pushed the button to go back up to my room. Everyone was in a ballgown, high heals, their hair in an up-do and tons of makeup on. I had no other clothes or shoes so I took off my sweater and wrapped my pashmina scarf around my shoulders like a shall, put my hair into a lovely loose braid, put on some eyeliner and blush, and headed back down. Luckily it wasn't long before we were let into the dining room.

I sat with a very nice English gentleman who had given a presentation on cycle tourism. I have to say if it wasn't for his company that evening I am not sure I would have made it though the event. The food was terrible, the service was incredibly slow, and the whole event was in Norwegian so we had no clue what was going on. 

1st course- cured salmon and white fish on a cold potato waffle with funky gels and emulsions. It was as if the new culinary students were testing out all their new techniques without much consideration for taste.

2nd course- Fluffy and mushy fish fingers on a bed of mashed peas. I was told this is a traditional Norwegian dish to make with leftovers from the previews nights fish and potatoes.

3rd course- MORE plain flavorless white fish with some sort of cream sauce, a single leaf of lettuce and half a semi-steamed carrot filled with carrot puree. Since I told them I don't eat meat but I do eat fish, I was given more fish that I could handle. 

Dinner was long! There was over an hour of waiting in between each course and since I was a 'vegetarian' my plate would come a good 10 minutes before everyone else at the table so I either had to awkwardly eat alone or wait until it got cold. By the time 11:00pm rolled around and dessert still had not arrived, Richard (the Englishman) and I decided it was time to leave. We each went off to our rooms and made plans to meet for breakfast the next morning and then spend the day exploring the city together.

The next morning after refueling with standard breakfast fare, we ventured out into the city only to find an empty town with little to do. To make matters worse it was gray and pouring rain. Our flights were not until later that evening but by 2:30, after having walked the 3 streets in the city, having a cup of tea, and looking around the oil museum gift shop, we decided we had had enough and headed to the airport where we would at least be warm and dry.

All in all it was not the best trip I have taken. I am sure there are many great things to be found in Norway and I hope to find them someday. 

Sorry for such a negative post. I promise my next post about my trip to Helsinki will be full of fun and excitement.

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